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About Meetings

Meetings are tools to discuss open issues, make decisions, get a status report, or to implement other important issues with the team in the project. Watch this presentation and answer the self-assessment questions at the end. Transcript of the videos Further reading Project meetings (Planview) Well-done compilation with a comprehensive… Read More »About Meetings

The Project Plan

Last year, I was part of a project team with a somewhat chaotic and inexperienced project manager. The project plan was poor and consisted of an Excel sheet with the designation of the work packages, a list of the most important contents of the work packages, an indication of the… Read More »The Project Plan

What is a Project?

The Business Dictionary defines a project as: Planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations. Business Dictionary This short sentence includes several important key words which characterize perfectly what a project should be. Planned: There is a specific structure… Read More »What is a Project?